Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

English Poem (created on May 19th, 2013)

By : Citra Agusta PA

To arrive
To great
To stare me
Although  just in shadow
Of you…                                                         

Your shine, give some lights
Lights to make a spirit
My dreams…
Like hug the moon
Hope you stare at me
To closer with me…

Hold my heart!
Open it
And see deeply
How I can even standing upright
Waiting your brightness come closer after others
How I lay down on the flower park
Closing my eyes, hoping the light open them
You…my eclipse…

My devil admonishes
How a foolish girl you are!
You’ve missed your time for eclipse?
My angel too
How a brave girl you are!
Stay on this and the bright will come to you…

All stars praise to you
Glittering around you
But I’m still standing

Expect you to let your light down on me…

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